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Program LIVES Week 18 Recap

Welcome back folks!! This recap will focus on the Week 18 session of Program LIVES which took place on Thursday, June 4, 2015.

After a few setbacks, Taylor was able to take the group participants to Belmont Lake State Park! One of the highlights was the different wildlife we got to see. Also, dogs. Both Taylor and the group participants are big fans of dogs and there were no shortage of dog sightings on the walk!

It was great to get out and change the venue. While our meeting space has been great, with the nice weather, it was a welcomed change of pace. Unfortunately the paddle boats weren't open but we plan to return later in the summer to take part in this Belmont Lake tradition!

Throughout the trip we continued to focus on the group participants upcoming summer plans as well as reflecting over events in the participants lives in the past few weeks. Between the weather and a slight miscommunication, it had been a little while since we really were able to work with the group. Catching up and looking ahead was a wise use of the limited time that we had together.

We will be back indoors next week (tomorrow, June 11) but we plan on making as many outdoor trips as we can as leaving the conference room in which we usually meet is a great way to keep the group participants engaged and to enjoy something different.

As always, thanks for your continued support of Tikkun Long Island and Program LIVES!

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